Saturday 9 November 2013

You belong to me.

     “Oh, my soul, do not aspire to immortal life, but exhaust the limits of the possible.” Pindar, Pythian Three

    I tried to gather opinions about gimmicks that should help us reach a harmonious coexistence of the two specimens under the same roof, as long-term as possible, maybe unlimited.

    At some point in time, Mihaela Radulescu recalled of a wonder diet, “Einstein’s diet”, based on the following principle – “imagination is beyond knowledge”. Something like eating potatoes and imagining they are oysters. Principle applicable in relations also… after 10 years of marriage imagine that today is the first day you met. Still, it’s a lot easier when it comes to food… :-)
    A friend of mine used to say that he doesn’t want a wife to be his maid. He is not interested if she does or she does not know how to cook for him, to iron or to have won a medal for housekeeping… To this day he is still looking for somebody to be his friend his mistress and never feel alone. I think he is lying ignorantly...
I asked in the office behind me, and I found out that something should intrigue us every day, that we need a lot of attention, us women, as well as men, that understanding and friendship are important, while a cook in the back is shouting that it would be nice not to starve either.

    Perhaps this is not the place to expect answers to the other aspects of a relationship… Neither are we honest enough when it comes to the things we want.

    I may not be the right person to give advice about this, but I can say this: "give him/her all your love!" Sometimes that's enough.

  • „O, suflete al meu, nu năzui la viaÅ£a nemuritoare, ci epuizează domeniul posibilului.” Pindar, Pythian III
    Am incercat sa adun din jurul meu, pareri  despre artificii de calcul care sa ajute la o convieture  cat mai armonioasa a celor doua specimene, sub acelasi acoperis, pe termen cat mai lung si poate nelimitat.

    Pomenea  Raduleasca la un moment dat, o dieta minune,”dieta  lui Einstein” - pe baza principilui: ”imaginatia e mai presus de cunoastere”. Ceva de genul mananci cartofi si iti inchipui ca sunt stridii. Principiu cu aplicabilitate si in cazul relatiilor…dupa 10 ani de casnicie, inchipuie-ti ca e prima zi in care v-ati cunoscut.Totusi, e mai usor in cazul mancarii…:-)
    Un  prieten spunea ca el nu-si doreste o sotie sa-i fie menajera, nu-l intereseaza daca stie sau nu sa  gateasca, sa calce, ori sa fi castigat vreo medalie ca si gospodina…Inca mai cauta pe cineva sa-i fie prietena, amanta, si niciodata sa nu se simta singur. Eu as zice ca minte cu nestiinta.
Am intrebat in biroul din spatele meu si am aflat ca ceva trebuie sa ne intrige in fiecare zi, ca avem nevoie de multa atentie, noi femeile cat si barbatii, ca intelegerea si prietenia sunt foarte importante, pe cand un bucatar striga ca n-ar fi rau nici sa nu mori de foame. 
Poate nu e locul potrivit de unde sa astept raspunsuri privind alte aspecte ale relatiei...Ori niciodata nu suntem indeajuns de sinceri cand vine vorba de ceea ce ne dorim.
Nu sunt cea mai potrivita persoana sa dau sfaturi, asa ca tot ce pot spune e: "da-i toata dragostea ta!" Uneori e de ajuns.

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